Let it go

I recently had surgery on my foot which has produced multiple "deep thoughts" and "revelations" which I can write probably a lesson learned for each day.  But most recently I was reminded of the day, after 6 weeks of crutches not having to use them anymore.  Besides the callouses on my hands, sore shoulders and back I had actually gotten rid of more than the crutches.  Because of the awkwardness and weight, I stopped carrying a purse. 


I have been using a cute little cell phone cover that holds 4 cards and about 2 dollar bills (which is all the cash I usually carry anyhow).  My purse has been in the car with its tylenol, lip sticks, lip glosses, hair ties, stamps, coupons, gift cards, mirror, measuring tape, business cards....shall I go on?  I always carry stuff just in case I need it. Just in case someone else may need it. 

While at the mall the other day, one of the nicer stores I go into to buy "stuff" for my hair offers a free 5 minute hand or neck and shoulder massage.  I took my friend so she could have a little rest and relaxation.  The attendant asked us to put down our purses and "stuff".  She would gently rub her back for a minute and then asked her to take off her necklace.  She would work for another minute and asked her to take off her bracelets and watch.  Eventually she brought it to our attention how much "stuff" we put on each day.


Lay aside every weight and sin which so easily ensnares us and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us (Heb 12:1). It may not always be sin, or purses or crutches that slow us down in the race called life.  But there are many things we are distracted by or carry around that we may not need for the task at hand, for the time being, or maybe it is just something we can let go of.  Maybe it is a behavior that we have assumed that doesn't affect or hurt someone else.  Maybe it really is a lie, a sin, a shortcut, an omission.  Open up your purse or wallet.  See what’s inside and get rid of that extra weight. Let it go. 

DeAnne Dwight